Valify group photo at Reverse Expo Spring Conference 2019

Valify Sponsors and Exhibits at IDN Summit and Reverse Expo Spring Conference 2019

Recently held in Orlando, Florida, the IDN Summit and Reverse Expo Spring Conference provided unique vendor-executive engagement opportunities including learning sessions, meetings, and idea exchanges among all sectors of the healthcare supply chain. This season was Valify’s ninth consecutive season to sponsor the conference.

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The IDN Summit’s informative learning sessions deliver insight into trends and statistics that are propelling the future of the industry. For example, presenters of the Negotiating and Contracting for Success session revealed that “if procurement involvement starts only at the negotiating stage, savings average is only 11.4%; but if involvement begins at requirements definition, that number jumps to over 17%.” Figures like these reiterate the importance of thorough market research and stakeholder engagement before beginning the RFP process, as well as the need for category-specific RFP templates.

That said, as both an IDN Summit sponsor and exhibitor, Valify, a healthcare cost management company exclusively dedicated to controlling purchased services expense, had the opportunity to demonstrate their newly launched Valify Marketplace. The Valify Marketplace  is a comprehensive vendor catalog of products and services that allows healthcare organizations to search, compare, and select the best vendors for their needs.

  • Search the only resource that contains tens of thousands of vendors currently being used by other hospitals across the nation for the same services
  • Refine your search criteria by a specific category, geographic area, or diversity status
  • Expedite sourcing through the efficient flow of information and communication
  • Create a free account to access more detailed information on each vendor and their solutions
  • Easily contact vendors (anonymously if you choose) with specific questions regarding your project


Further, Valify was excited to introduce our inaugural client awards program and announced our 2019 winners during the IDN Summit and Reverse Expo.

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All in all, the IDN Summit was a success. Valify is proud to have sponsored a thought-provoking forum where healthcare peers learned and engaged about issues challenging today’s healthcare systems.